Welcome to the wonderful world of harness
This is an exciting sport to watch featuring
magnificent animals, and a challenging game on
which to bet. Let us at the U.S. Trotting Association,
the official record-keeper for the sport of harness
racing and breed registry of the Standardbred
horse, be your guide. We will
show you the beauty of the Standardbred breed, explain
a few things you might see at a racetrack, and
even give you a few tips on how you can make some
money and have fun wagering on the sport.
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The Racetrack Experience | Pacers vs. Trotters | Position is Everything
Equipped for Racing
Make a Bet | The Toteboard | Handicapping Factors
Main Events | Racing at the Fair | Stakes vs. Overnights
A History of Harness Racing
Where to Go - Find a Racetrack near you